Be a Respectful You
I’ve talked about being unapologetically me and I will stand by that. You may or may not like me, but, I may or may not like you as well. We are not going to like each and every person we meet because we are all different. It could be something small, just a mannerism, or something larger, like someone’s political views. Whatever it is, we can still try and respect the person as they are a living, breathing human.
On the flip side, and I hope this doesn’t come across as hypocritical, there are times when someone’s views are just not acceptable in polite society. I will never support someone who calls others derogatory names, marginalize any person or groups of people, wants to put others beneath them, profits from taking from those who can ill afford it, expects unwavering loyalty, and overall is just not a nice person. I, therefore, have a hard time liking people who support a person like that.
I was raised a Catholic, I am no longer a part of the church (that’s another story), and always heard the stories of how we should treat people how we would want to be treated, the story of the good Samaritan, and about all the positive ways that Jesus wanted us to behave in society to create a better place. Now, even though I’m not a practicing anything religious, I still believe in treating people with a certain amount of courtesy. Even when I might be arguing with someone regarding politics I do not get into name calling. What purpose would that solve? Besides, having gone to a Catholic (Jesuit) college, I have learned how to write a good argument. I’d rather have my words create a good defense of my opinions than belittle other people.
What this has to do with a health food store? Not much other than talking about respecting others. Things are definitely heating up this election season and it will be interesting to see how it plays out. Hopefully it will be peaceful.
Also, hopefully, people will continue to spend money. I’ve noticed in the past that shortly before an election consumers hold back a little waiting to see what happens. The energy is very different out there right now and it’s hard to say.
Remember to always be just you, a respectful just you. We live in interesting times and we have to remember to be nice, we don’t know their story and the high road is always the best road in the long run.
Until Next Time,
Have a Healthy Day