Friday Frustrations

Susan Cwik

Another Friday, another crappy week. They say summers can be slow but this is a bit ridiculous. I only have 1 full week left and I’ve had next to no one come in. Now, I did have someone come in yesterday telling me that it is difficult to start a business here. She lived next to the people who have the coffee shop in the other strip mall near here and I guess they struggled, closed, and then reopened. They seem to be fine now but that is very telling. This area, and people, are just a hard nut to crack. Do I have the patience, perseverance, and money to figure it out? That is a very good question. If anyone wants to send me the last one, I will not turn you down.

Now, I did get two sewing jobs this week and finished them very quickly. I just need people to pick up their stuff. I’ve also had a few inquiries into fixing some other things and am hoping that they actually follow through. I don’t mind doing some of this, especially if it helps people out.

Other than the usual trying to figure out how to get people to walk through the door, I just have the frustration of the medical community. Why is it like pulling your own teeth to try and get anything done? I just want a refill to my thyroid medication. Called Wednesday morning and left a message like they wanted. The message told me that it would take 24 hours for the prescription to be sent to the pharmacy. On Thursday, at around 6:00pm, I call the pharmacy and they have nothing. Great! Now, Friday morning, I call the doctor and wait to talk to a person. She’s going to leave a message for the doctor and I get to wait. It’s important to note here that I will run out of medication by Monday morning. If the prescription does not get sent to the pharmacy today, Friday, I probably will not get my refill on Monday when I need it. At 4:30pm I call the pharmacy again and the pharmacist was very nice. He did not have my prescription yet but said we should both call and attack from all sides, his words. With that, I call back my doctor, wait to talk to a real person, and leave another message stating that I really need this sent in today. This is not rocket science, it should not take two and a half days to call in a prescription for something I always take. Ugh!

Luckily, the day is almost over. I’ll go home and see what my husband made for dinner. We have a ripe eggplant so he will do something with that and some salmon. Sounds yummy! Afterwards, I think I will head out to Joann Fabrics to get some hardware for my water bottle project and then call it a day. Btw, it’s fun watching people try and park in front of my store, especially when there is a “Please No Parking” sign there. People are interesting.

With that, it is time to go but come back tomorrow for story time.

Until next time,

            Have a Healthy Day

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