I Want Normal People Heartburn
Susan CwikShare
Today started with me being very tired and asking if it was September yet. Not that I’m trying to rush summer. I’m really enjoying the warm weather. It’s just that my heartburn issues seem to be getting worse and my surgery isn’t scheduled until mid-September. I really just want normal people heartburn and not 24/7 heartburn with my diaphragm feeling like it’s going to snap because I’m so inflamed. Soon. Very Soon.
Yesterday was nice that it was a somewhat quiet day but two days in a row is enough. I’ve only had one customer all day. They spent quite a bit, but I really do need more people coming in if I want to keep the lights on. I’m working on another post about sewing services using a bunch of sewing puns. It should hopefully be informative and give people a reason to smile. That is sometimes the best medicine we can have. I also need to get more information cards out to the community but that will have to wait just a bit. This weekend we are travelling north to West Virginia to go to Menards (if you know, you know) to get the rest of the materials for our bathroom remodel. My husband is very handy so will be doing this himself and it will be exactly how we would want it done. I’ll have to remember to post before and after pictures.
Now is the time to come up with more ideas but those one person brain storming sessions are a bit difficult. It’s just not easy bouncing ideas off yourself. Unless I look in a mirror, I keep missing. Sigh, hopefully you got the humor there. If not, I missed my mark again. Once again, I digress. It’s really easy to do when you are just spouting whatever comes out of your brain.
One interesting thing today was a webinar I attended on CoQ10. CoQ10 provides the energy to your cells, and especially your heart. When you take CoQ10, your body converts that to the more active form ubiquinol. It’s also a very potent antioxidant so it is electron rich and readily donates those electrons to keep damage from happening in the body. We can go into the whole process of oxidative stress another time. Lastly, something most doctors and pharmacists don’t tell you is that statins deplete your body of CoQ10. This is the reason for some of the side effects from statins. For most people 100mg is just fine, if you’ve had any heart issues I would consider taking 200mg/day. As for whether to take CoQ10 or ubiquinol, ubiquinol is the more active form which is always good to just get it in there. Remember to take with food as it does need fat to be absorbed.
There, we learned things. We can all be done for the day. Go home, have a drink, some dinner, and rest our weary brains from learning things. Just a couple more things to do and I go home.
Until next time,
Have a Healthy Day
1 comment
I am praying for your quick relief and more business! Great information about CoQ10!