It's a Soapbox Moment

Susan Cwik

I apologize that there was no story time this week. I finally got my Mother’s Day present, theater tickets to see Funny Girl in Atlanta, and I was out of town. Now I am back and it’s been a very quiet Tuesday. The most exciting thing is my daughter having to deal with a dentist. Fun?!

Why does healthcare have to be so difficult? Why do doctors not really listen? Why are our teeth and eyes considered separate entities from the rest of our body? These are just some of the questions I have regarding healthcare in this country.

Now, people say you should not delve into politics as a business. It’s a death knell. However, it’s really hard when it comes to healthcare. I also have a love/hate relationship with our healthcare system. It has not treated me well; ignored my pain, told me I needed a hip replacement when I have endometriosis, wanted to prescribe an antidepressant for acid reflux, the list goes on and on. On top of that, let’s add insurance companies that don’t want to pay for anything but want to increase your premiums every year, and for profit hospitals that have run amuck with exurbanite pricing. It’s just a freakin’ disaster, and, last time I checked, my eyes and teeth were attached to my body!

I truly believe we need to take the ‘profit’ out of healthcare. Big Pharma is out of control and most people are taking drugs where they don’t understand what’s it doing to their bodies, and then they have to take more drugs. Doctors aren’t taught to really listen to their patients to try and understand what is going on. More than likely you see the doctor for 5 minutes, they prescribe a pill, and send you on your way. They got paid so it’s all good, right?! The insurance companies never even see you but will decide for you, and your doctor, the best course of action for you. It’s insanity and we put up with it. It’s no wonder many of us try and treat ourselves unless we truly need help with something.

What would I like to see? Medicare for all. Healthcare is a right and not just for the privileged few. I would like to see doctors get trained in active listening. Never assume you know all if you haven’t really listened to what a patient is telling you. I would like my teeth and eyes to be covered under any medical plan as seeing a specialist. I don’t need separate insurance for every other organ system in the body, don’t know why I would need it for vision and dental, it’s all attached.

There, I got up on my soapbox and said it and I won’t be taking it back. Our healthcare system is absolutely horrible!

I will now get off my soapbox and figure out the rest of my day hoping that people come in and I can be helpful. We all need to try and be helpful in this crazy mixed-up world we live in.

Until Next Time,

            Have a Healthy Day

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