Just a Crazy Thursday

Susan Cwik

What a day this has already been! It’s a late start day so what did I decide to do in just over an hour this morning? Make an angel food cake (from scratch), make pudding, clean strawberries & blueberries, make a few overnight oats, and my food for the day. I was tired before I ever left the house.

There was no sloughing off at the store either. I needed to get my social media done right away and call about a new location before lunch as I then had an appointment with the surgeon to finally fix my stomach. In just a few short months I will have regular people heartburn instead of 24/7, no amount of medication helps heartburn. I’m so excited! Now, I was hoping we could do this next week, but I only have a few more months. I am looking at the end of September. Yay!

While I was there, I was recounting to the doctor how I got to this particular place in time. For those who have heard my story, I can be a poster child for doctors who ignore women. As a refresher, here are a few of the zingers I’ve heard over the years.

Literally paralyzed from a labor contraction – “There’s pain in labor, deal with it”

Not a zinger but the anesthesiologist had to do my epidural twice ‘cause he screwed up the first time.

Trying to push a 9lb. watermelon out of my body – “Don’t make any loud noises.”

Seeing an orthopedic regarding excruciating back pain – “Lose weight and do yoga.”

Next, an OB/GYN about endometriosis – “You don’t have endometriosis. You have to admit that you’re old and need a hip replacement.”

Gastroenterologist on my 24/7 heartburn – “Your heartburn is not that severe, you just need an antidepressant.”

Cardiologist when I had my heart attack just ignored me completely

Needless to say, there are a few bad apples that need to do a better job at listening. You know, that thing where you shut up, open your mind, and actually hear what the other person is saying. Luckily, I finally found 1 more doctor who does exactly that and will be fixing me up in early Fall.

As for the store, I had 2 people in today and book club tonight. That’s what the angel food cake is for. I guess the moral to today’s story is to just keep trying. Eventually someone will listen and things will change.

Until next time,

                Have a Healthy Day

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