Not Every Day is Rosy
For most of you, today is Friday, for me it is not the end of the week as the store is open on Saturday.
Thursday was an interesting day. It started strong and then fizzled out. That seems to happen. I either am busy first thing and dead later, or dead for most of the day and then I might get busy. I keep working towards having people come in all throughout the day. One day this will happen. The important thing is to try and not let the slow times get into my head and affect my mood. The worse days are when no one comes in. However, it gets really frustrating on Thursdays as we are open late those days and I really hate being by myself well after dinner.
However, it is a new day so we will see what it brings. I’m kind of in a not so great mood today. Not really sure why. Is it because it’s cloudy out? Is it because things are just not going as well as I would like? A little tired? A combination of all the above? Who knows. I’m just in a mood, it happens.
Now it is imperative that I do not let my bad mood and the lack of customers really bring me down. This is a very real thing. It is a quick spiral to the place that no one cares that the store is here to no cares that I am here. It’s something we all go through at one point or other in our life and it can be difficult to get through it. Thus, I am here writing about it. Maybe by sharing, others will know they are not alone. By talking about our feelings maybe we can empty the negative thoughts in our head. It’s worth a try. Keeping it to ourselves definitely doesn’t help.
It is a day to really search out those little specks of glitter that make life better. They’re small, but if you can find enough, they become a small pile and can turn into a much bigger pile of glitter. So, the picture I took of 2 silly dogs waiting for their treats this morning, the donkey video on Tik Tok with its rubber chicken, those are what I will start with in my glitter pile and work from there.
For now, it’s time to figure out my day. What needs to be done? What can bring more people in to the store? I need to make that list and create a sense of focus.
I hope you find all the glitter today, and every day here after. Make your life shine!
See you next time,
Have a Healthy Day