One Door Closes

Susan Cwik

It’s been difficult to write anything lately as I have been busy with the transition to my new venture. There is a lot to do when you change your complete business model to help people save money. I’ve luckily been able to connect with a couple of people over this last weekend and explain what I am doing and they have been very supportive. It’s helpful as they are my reps that I will be working with closely during this transition.

I have also been given an idea to reach out to other natural practitioners in the area and see if we can create an arrangement to have product shipped to their office so as to have a “store” location without having a store as I do now. It’s a win-win as I will not have to pay for residential shipping costs, it can be a location for pick-ups, and I can offer consultations to their clients. It would also help extend our reach to more people who can be saving money while improving their health.

On top of all of that, as if that wasn’t enough, I am getting my stomach fixed, finally. Tomorrow is the day to have the surgery to fix my hiatal hernia and to only have normal people heartburn. This 24/7 heartburn for no reason is for the birds and I can’t wait to feel normal and get control of my health again. I’ll be taking one week to sit at home and recover, then it’s back to the store to finish closing one chapter to begin another one. It’s really all very exciting.

It is my hope that I can continue this blog, it just might not be as often in the next few weeks. There will be a lot to do once I come back to the store with doing the final month’s closing and trying to get the new website up and running. We’ll see how well all of that works out. Luckily, my husband came in today and I showed him around the website a little and said, “Go for it! Just try different things and see how it works as I only know how to use part of it.” Mistakes are going to happen and all of this will have a learning curve. The nice thing is that this gets him involved in a way that he wasn’t before.

For now, I finish up my day and prepare for my early morning tomorrow. Wish me luck and I will check in soon and let you know how things went.

Until Next Time,

            Have a Healthy Day

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