Recent Writer's Block
Susan CwikShare
It’s been hard to write this blog lately. I have news that I can’t share yet and, otherwise, everything with the store is just stupid. For all the people who have told me that Savannah would be a great place to open a health food store and they are so happy that I’m here, I see them once and never again. I can count on one hand the number of repeat customers I have. I’m really hoping that my next venture will be more successful. At least I won’t have this ridiculous overhead.
Needless to say, I haven’t written as it would just be me complaining. I’ll be honest, I am a tad bitter by this experience. I’m not quite sure I know what the secret is but I’m hopeful that if I can get the messaging right, the next step will succeed. Keep your fingers crossed even though you don’t know what it is yet.
In the meantime, I will keep working on all the millions of things I need to do to make this next step possible while also clearing out this most recent phase of my life. There is a lot of stinkin’ paperwork to do to make this all happen.
I also get to go hang some drapes today at my mother’s condo and get started on some new dresses for myself. It’ll be good to not sit on my butt all day in front of a computer for a couple of days. I also have a long weekend away coming up, you will have to do without my musings for a few days. What will you do? We’re going to take the opportunity to see family out West and attend a natural product show. It should be a good time.
For now it’s back to the paperwork and computer stuff that I need to do. I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Until Next Time,
Have a Healthy Day