Saturday Story Time-Sharing is Caring
Saturday story time revolves around free stuff ‘cause who doesn’t like free stuff?
How many times have you ever turned away from someone giving away stuff? You may not take it, but most people would stop to at least look. Free stuff is fun and you get to tell the story of how you acquired that amazing object and it didn’t cost you a thing. It’s also fun to get free samples, whether they be food or other products to try.
Thus, about 15-20 years ago, we started to give away free samples of product. It started with being in baskets on the front counter, moving to an acrylic bin by the front door, and, eventually, with the bin next to the register so paying customers could look through it. All of these samples were acquired by me going to natural product shows or by various reps who would stop by the store. I’ve always thought it is important for people to try different supplements just to see how they react to it. You may not get results right away, depending on what it is, but you will know if your body accepts or rejects the product. This is all very important. It’s also fun to get free stuff.
Most people are very respectful and would only take a couple of items. Then there were the people who didn’t buy anything but would clean out the sample bin right after we filled it up so we would have to fill it up again. They would also have the audacity to ask for a bag! Sigh! There were also the young boys who would sneak in the door to get their ‘fish pills.’ Double Sigh! It was after one of the greedy incidents that we created signage stating that is was for paying customers only. This still did not stop the greedy ones. Just buy one small thing, ask for a bag, and fill it up! “Cause this is just a trick-or-treat stop? Right?! The next sign added a limit to the number of samples that could be taken. Really people, leave something for those that come behind you. Of course, these same types of people did not read the sign and we would have to stop them from taking everything. At least there was a noticeable policy in place to enforce.
Now all of this occurred when our store was in Wisconsin. Here in Savannah, it is the exact opposite. People actually read and only take a couple of samples. Very rarely does anyone take the six samples that are allowed by the sign and everyone who takes a sample is a paying customer. Just what does this say to you? I know what it says to me? My customers here in Savannah, so far, have been very kind and respectful and I appreciate that. Sometimes I think that the people here are just not used to merchants wanting to give them things? I don’t know, I just like to be able to have samples.
Anyway, if you stop in you can always find free samples of stuff and they will be happily given. Just please leave some for those behind you. Have a GREAT weekend and share with others.
Until next time,
Have a Healthy Day