The Big Reveal
Susan CwikShare
It’s been well over a week since my last blog post and I do apologize for that. There has been much going on and the next couple of months will be very busy.
The weekend before Labor Day we were out in Colorado visiting family, learning how to paddle board, do a little ax throwing, and then off to a natural product show. It was a great time but we were a little sleep deprived. That can happen when you have stupid early flights both there and back and want to make the most of every minute you are there.
Last week was pretty much a blur of activity as I get ready for the big announcement this week. I also spent the entire weekend catching up with everything that I have put off around my house. I really needed to just be at home and it felt so good to get those things done.
Now, are you ready for the big reveal? Are you sure? Think you can handle this news?
Well, we are closing the doors to our brick and mortar store. It really shouldn’t be that big of a surprise as I’ve spent so many blogs complaining about no one coming in. We’ll see if anyone comes in to help me get rid of my inventory and all the shelving and display items. I’ve learned to keep my expectations low but will work towards just that.
Now, just because we are closing the doors to the brick and mortar store does not mean we are leaving the natural product industry. In the midst of closing one thing, I am beginning another. This will be a buying club of natural products at significant discounts (up to 50% off). This will be only for Savannah, GA, and nearby community residents. There are different membership levels and you place your order online to pick up (or be delivered for a nominal fee) when it comes in. You are guaranteed to get great brands and a low price and I can do all of this from home. You can also contact me via phone, text, Facebook, Instagram, video chat, pick your method, and get questions answered. I think that it is a really great idea to help people save money while still getting the service of walking in to a store. Now to hope that other people think it’s as great of an idea as I do.
That’s my big news. One door closes and another opens. It’s just gonna take work to get the one door closed and the other opened. Who knew they were such big doors. Well, it’s time to get to work on just that. Wish me luck and I’ll keep you posted on my progress.
Until Next Time,
Have a Healthy Day