The Many Things to Appreciate

Susan Cwik

Good Morning!

A shout out to those who I have noticed read my blog fairly regularly. I’m not sure who you are but Des Moines (IA), Boydton (VA), and Washington (VA), thank you. I appreciate you.

There are many things, and people, that I appreciate. I appreciate a beautiful sunset, the crash of the waves on the beach, the sun as it is rising in the mountains. There are just so many beautiful things around us to appreciate. I have been fortunate to experience those things and so many more. You see, my husband and I just love to travel. We take advantage of opportunities and work hard to make things happen. So far, I have been to 38 of our 50 states, 3 continents outside of North America, and 13 foreign countries. I feel very blessed to have been able to do so much. However, it is now a running joke that my husband should not ask where I want to go on vacation as I will probably surprise him with a grand adventure. Granted, I am rather frugal and these grand adventures usually come with a relatively small price tag.

I also appreciate my silly animals as they make me laugh each and every day. There is the spicy cat, Gracie, who only wants to be held at certain times of the day. If you try and pet her when she doesn’t want to be petted, she will put her paw on you and give you that look that says, “Get your petty paws off of me.” She will choose violence, not really, in order to not be petted. She will also hiss at you when she is the one in the way of your forward mobility. Gracie is just a very silly, and spicy, kitty. Cleo, the greyhound is the exact opposite. She just needs all the love and just never gets enough. Like 24/7 belly rubs would prove our love to her. That along with treats, and ice cubes are included with that. They are just the best treat she has ever had. I do not understand this. Greyhounds are weird but we love them. I also appreciate our occasional boarder, Pepper, the black greyhound. If you think one is a hoot, try having two around. Pepper is the more dominant of the two dogs and really likes to sleep on Cleo’s bed. Poor Cleo comes by me with this face that says, “Help, mom!” I then need to go get Pepper off Cleo’s bed so Cleo can lie down and then Pepper just goes over to her own bed. She’s okay with it. You notice here that they both require a bed. Not the floor, not carpet, but a bed. Something that is soft and squishy. They are all supremely spoiled and they are fine with it.

Lastly, I appreciate all the people who have come through my life and all of those I have yet to meet. I have had some great customers and friends who have made an impact on my life. I appreciate my best friends, my husband and daughter, who are there to support me, and I appreciate me. Because without me, none of this would be possible. Yes, we can love others and ourselves all at the same time.

Take the time to look around and appreciate what you have and have been given. Some days may be hard, but overall, things are just fine.

Until next time,

                Have a Healthy Day

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